Environmental and Climate Sciences Department Chair


Brookhaven National laboratory invites applications from a diverse pool of candidates for the position of Chair of the Environmental and Climate Sciences Department within the Environment, Biology, Nuclear Science, and Nonproliferation Directorate.

The successful candidate will be expected to:

  • Lead the continued development of internationally competitive programs in climate and environmental sciences.
  • Work with the staff to recruit, mentor, and develop staff members, and maintain a diverse, inclusive, and respectful workplace supportive of creative scientific research.
  • Develop a scientific vision and decadal-scale strategic business plan for the Department appropriate for a leading National Laboratory, leveraging the unique capabilities and facilities at BNL and within DOE. Lead efforts to secure funding to bring the vision to light and execute the strategic plan, with the overarching goal to develop premier atmospheric, environmental, and terrestrial ecosystem science research programs consistent with the missions of the Department of Energy (DOE) and position the Department to take on new challenges.
  • Manage BNL’s relationship with Earth and Environmental Systems Science Division within the DOE-Biological and Environmental Research (BER)program, which has three primary research activities: atmospheric research, environmental system science, and earth and environmental system modeling.  Furthermore, oversee BNL’s role in DOE-BER’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement user facility.
  • Build strategic partnerships inside and outside BNL that significantly enhance the responsiveness, competitiveness, productivity and impact of the department R&D efforts, resulting in a sustainable growth in both the level and scope of department funding by DOE and other funding agencies.
  • Manage the Environmental and Climate Sciences Department to ensure safe and secure operations.
  • Contribute to ongoing departmental scientific research by being an active and independent scientist.